T373 Network Security and Administration
Mr. Karasch 
William Fremd High School 

1. Network Architecture 
 a. Devices 
 b. Services 
 c. Cables 
 d. Routing 
 e. Virtualization 
2. Network Operations 
 a. Monitoring 
 b. Metrics 
 c. Segmentation 
 d. Configuration 
3. Network Security 
 a. Risk 
 b. Vulnerabilities 
 c. Network Hardening 
 d. Physical Security 
 e. Firewall 
 f. NAC 
 g. Forensics 
4. Troubleshooting 
 a. Methods 
 b. Tools 
 c. Wireless Troubleshooting 
5. Industry Standards/Practices and Network Theory 

 Text and Required Supplies 
1.All of the texts and supplies for this class will be delivered electronically.
Grading and Assessments 
This course is split into areas of mastery. Each quarter will have approximately 9 areas of mastery. When a student receives 80% of the points in an area, they will be said to have achieved mastery for that area. The quarter grade will be a reflection of the number of areas that have been mastered.  
0-1 Areas achieved mastery = F 
2-3 Areas achieved mastery = D 
4-5 Areas achieved mastery = C 
6-7 Areas achieved mastery = B 
8-9 Areas achieved mastery = A 
Within Schoology, you will see assignment grades that will be used to determine mastery for each area. The midterm comments will be used to indicate progress students are making within the course. Please focus on the areas mastered, to determine how the student is progressing. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
Points towards mastery can be achieved in several ways: 
1. Schoology Activities
2. Testout Simulation/Lab Work 
3. Quizzes 
4. Final Exam 

The Applied Technology Office phone number is (847)755-2701. This is, however, a department-wide voicemail, and is inherently inefficient. A much better way to contact me is via email at mkarasch@d211.org, or as a student, you can message me through Schoology. You can also follow me on twitter! @mrkarasch 
Suggestions for Success 
1. Ask questions. There is no better way to tailor your learning experience to exactly what you need. I welcome almost any question, at almost any time, so please ask away! 
2. Keep constant notes in your notebook, and keep your notebook in class unless you need it at home to study. 
3. Website. Our LMS (Schoology) has all of the notes in PowerPoint format, so that you may go over anything that you didn't fully understand in class. 
4. With great power comes great responsibility.  You are gaining knowledge of how to manipulate and maintain computer systems, with which the entire world is managed.  Before you act, consider the ethics and possible consequences of your actions.
5. Honesty. Be honest at all times.  
6. Be honest with yourself, and drive yourself to complete the tasks to the best of your ability. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. The pace of this class is swift, and if not careful, you may fall behind quickly. 
7. Have fun! The use of technology is really fun, and delving into the lab and project work will cement your understanding in the concepts of Networking.